Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Understanding Your Influence

I'm a person of MANY interests.  I enjoy so many activities, from African drumming and martial arts to landscaping and creative writing.  Some of those have lasted years, others, as with anyone, have ebbed and flowed and some have fallen by the wayside.

Enjoying any given activity is generally something that stays with a person.  Sure, we can lose interest, and sometimes we get hooked on certain things based on the life circumstances or situations of any given time.  For example, people may be coaching children's soccer only when their children are involved.  That kind of change is pretty normal.

What I find to be sad is that people can maintain interests and enjoyment in activities, yet, ultimately be put off by the people they need to tolerate in the meantime.  "Why can't we all just get along?" you ask...If only it was that simple.  People really can be a valid deterrent to pursuing your life's pleasures - simple or otherwise.

As I've personally experienced this phenomenon, I can attest that it's true.  And, sad to say, I've dropped out of some activities that were very enjoyable, satisfying, and rewarding because people tainted the experience for me.  Why do I give people that much power?  Again, if only it was as simple as ignoring the people that come with it.

But I write this, not to complain.  (Although I really do miss some of the things I've done, both hobbies and pleasure, as well as jobs.)

It's just as important to realize the influence each of us has to either build up or tear down, to enhance or detract from the experience of the people around us.

I personally never want to  be the reason anyone turns away from their dream, quits a job, or gives up something they enjoy.

If you don't have anything good to say....maybe it's better to say nothing at all.  You'd be surprised at who's listening, watching, or simply putting up with your actions....

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