I'll make this brief, since it's a gorgeous day outside and this is such a dark topic. Besides, I need to make the most of the motivation fresh and sunshine bring. :)
I'm a fan of In Touch - the ministry show I normally tune into Sunday mornings (or later, as it also airs afternoon and evening on Sundays). Dr. Stanley always has something good for me to ponder.
This morning's sermon was on the topic of Anger.
It's funny how easy it is to recognize anger in others. Hear the hostility in their voices. Feel the frustration in their words.
I certainly don't consider myself an angry person. And I would hope that the people around me don't think that, either.
But, as I listened, a few things stood out. Consequences of anger...feeling isolated, breaks connection with others because of our negativity, creates a critical spirit, feeling empty, feelings of love, joy and peace replaced with lonliness, fear, frustration and discontent, losing focus because it's distracting.
It made me think. So, for example, I often describe myself as "frustrated" - whether it's at work, at home or otherwise. It seems like every day brings something that stirs me up in one area or another.
So, this morning, I'm asking myself, really, "Am I angry?" Is THAT really what this is? I mean, maybe "frustrated" is just a nicer sounding word to describe those feelings. After all, who really wants to be described as angry - or hostile or bitter or negative, for that matter?
If I'm angry, that's definitely got to go.
So, as I dig into this a little deeper into the sermon notes from today, I'm looking forward to letting go, laying down, taking off whatever it is that's been stealing my former abundance of joy and peace.
Thank you, Dr. Stanley! I needed that!
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