Saturday, July 16, 2011

Creating a Haven

I'm enjoying an average Saturday afternoon in July from the shaded protection of the gazebo on my patio - aka, The Cabana.  I'm in an average outskirt of a small city - neighbors are close, but the houses aren't connected.  That was my major stipulation when I went house-hunting 6 years ago - no duplex, townhouse, rowhome.

The house is only 720 square feet - I've had apartments bigger than this house!  You can literally stand in the center and see all four corners.  The house is centered on a little postage stamp of ground, accessible only from the front curb (no alley in back, not parking out back).  Basically, there's no way to pretend I'm not home and now way to slip out the back if someone comes a-knocking and I don't want to be home.

Even so, I've spent the last 5 years building my little hut into what I now sarcastically refer to as "The Mansion," complete with the "Estate Grounds" and the previously mentioned "Cabana," which tops off what I have recently started calling "The Resort."  Essentially, a visitor could come in through the entrance gates (yes, it's double-gated - more on that later), sit a spell on the porch swing, listen to the soothing water of the fountain, partake of a cocktail on the Cabana, slip into the back yard to tour a very colorful perimeter get the idea - it's become a very tranquil, beautiful, relaxing space. 

Building this haven has been a great journey - and understand that it's still under construction, so there are plenty of ongoing projects as I chase the dream of some totally zen space with great feng shui.....the journey to create my own private paradise.

Even though there's plenty more to be done, I realized the other day, as I wandered through the yard watering flowers before work, "I love home." 

I realize not everyone has the crazy ambition I have to tear up perfectly good grass and replace it with hardscape,  flowers and plants.  I know my contractor friend has probably spent hours shaking his head as I've sought his feedback on thousands of ideas to maximize the space in this tiny house.  Many people prefer to hire someone to do the work, where I'm an avid do-it-yourself person.  Many only buy brand new, where I'm a cheapskate bargain-hunter and re-purpose type person who spends hours surfing craigslist and pondering, "Now, what could I do with that?"

All that matter what path you take, I encourage everyone to create a home that is a haven.  There's so much to do between career/job, entertainment/social, and the basic daily rat the end of the day, I still agree with Dorothy.....There's no place like home!

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